Monday, July 15, 2019

More than Jesus

We must be careful Church.
There are wolves among us that don’t even know they are wolves.
They are teaching a belief that it takes more than Jesus to be set free.
You see, according to the Old Covenant, we were sinners that had to offer sacrifices to be forgiven. Certain criteria was required, different sacrifices addressed different sins. But when Jesus came, and He Himself was the one and only pure and sacrificial Lamb, He fulfilled the Old Covenant. He did it! The veil was torn. Thus beginning the new covenant: Forgiveness and Salvation through Christ resurrected. Now, we are saved by Christ ALONE. Any generational sins or curses were broken by His victory on the cross.
So when you hear people teaching that you have to do certain things, or bind certain spirits, you are quite possibly participating in witchcraft, because Jesus already bound those spirits! In fact he bound them in Hell and took the keys!
Now if you believe someone put a curse on you because you made an enemy with a Satanist etc., then pray for protection and ask in Jesus’ name to be set free from that. And boom it’s done. Because Jesus is MORE powerful than a curse. You need not toil and recite different lines somebody taught you for different curses, hoping you “get them all.” JESUS IS ENOUGH. He is the One that sets you free, not you or your special words you learned from an “expert” in healing and deliverance.

Secondly, spiritual gifts are exactly how they sound. They are GIFTS. Meaning they are GIVEN to you by the one and only GOD. If you don’t have a certain gift, you cannot go to a class to learn how to get it. You cannot make it so by practicing it. It’s not something you earn or strive for, it’s a beautiful thing that only the Holy Spirit gives. If He wants you to have it, He will give it to you. If we could earn it or learn it then it wouldn’t be a gift, it would be a desire forced into action... thus rendering it dust and meaningless in effort. Let us not desire gifts more than our Savior. He is the ultimate Gift. 

If you used to be involved in a religious cult, then when you surrendered and repented to Christ, you were forgiven and cleansed. You were set free. It is finished! Please don’t give in to the lies that there is more to be done than what Jesus did on the cross. Yes we all have sin issues or addictions that need to be dealt with, but that is part of learning and growing in our faith and being sanctified by grace for the rest of our time on earth. We might need physical healing for things, but it has to be His choice to heal you for His GLORY, not because you learned a new prayer that you think will “work.”
We are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, through Scripture alone, for His Glory alone! 

We don’t do any of it, earn any of it, cause any of it, nor is it for us. It is for Him, by Him, and we are here because He loves us and wants to graciously share it with us. 

If you have been caught up in the belief that you are still bound by curses after Jesus set you free, or that you can earn a spiritual gift, then please turn and repent. Get out from under the influence of false teaching and get back to Scripture. Learn what JESUS says. Then go and do likewise. He is enough. It’s not Christ plus something else. It’s just CHRIST.

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