Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A Love letter for YOU

I am writing you this today because this is what I should've said to someone I was stuck in a debate with last week, but in my emotional response I did not. 

Jesus LOVES you. With a deep, wide, passionate, everlasting, relentless, desperate, longing, fatherly, sacrificial, selfless, LOVE.

He spent time creating you in your mother's womb. The Bible says He knit you together, can you imagine that with me for a moment? I see His gentle hands forming you like you would form clay, almost like magic coming from His fingers except it's something way more powerful and real and pure than that. He made you perfect, even with your flaws because He had a purpose in mind for how you could use those imperfections for His glory. He thought about what a wonderful future and life He could have with you, if you would only come to Him and acknowledge Him.  He is sovereign so He knows the exact moment when you will either come to know Him as your Lord and Savior, or the moment when you will reject Him. I can imagine Him weeping as His loving hands form those of you who will never choose Him. I can see His heart bursting with agony as He whittles together your little fingers, only to hold them for the first and final time. How He longs to have forever with you, you are His creation!

I can see Him praying over you and sending you off with longing in His heart to be reunited with you again.

He loves you so much that He created a guide for you to follow, the Word of God, called the Bible. He breathed life into it through the hands of men so that it could get to you, but yet be without error. (2 Tim 3:16) He didn't create this book because He wanted to take all your fun away with a bunch of rules, He made it as a way for you to understand Him and learn to love Him. He created it as a passage to His heart, as a guideline for life, and a place to go when you desperately want to hear His voice.
You see, sin separates us from God. Sin leads to death. So these rules and guidelines are there to draw us closer to God, not tear us away! They should be looked at as a gift, not a burden.

It is humanly impossible for us to be in the presence of God because of our sin, so He had to make a way for us. Just as a hero finds a way to save the people in need, God found a Way to get us to Him, and that is through Jesus. (John 14:6)

He sent Jesus down to Earth to become human so that He would be able to say to you, "I know what you are going through. I know what pain feels like, I know what temptation feels like, I know what hunger and thirst and rejection feel like." He knows it all because He lived through it, and then He died because of it. You see, God is holy and pure; everything we are not. We are full of sin and lust and evil desires, not because He made us that way, but because He allowed us to have CHOICE. 

Jesus stood in the gap for us. Jesus paid the price for ALL of our sins, died in our place, took on the sinner's death that we deserve so that WE could go to Heaven, and be in the presence of the Lord forever. Do you see what a gift that is? What a gift HE is? He loves you so much that He died for you!
Do you love someone so much that you would die for them? If the answer is yes, then imagine if that person rejected you, hated you, spit on your face, beat you, and called you a liar and a hypocrite in front of the entire world. Would you still die for them?
THAT is what Jesus did for you. Even though He knew you might reject Him, He still died for you. Even if you were the only human on this planet, and even if He knew you would never come to accept God as your Creator, He STILL WOULD'VE DIED on the cross for you, so that you would at least have the chance to choose Him. (Romans 5:8)

Won't you give Him a chance? Won't you try talking to Him? I hope that this message struck a nerve inside you. I hope and pray that you will begin your journey to salvation today, right now. In fact it doesn't have to be a journey, it can happen RIGHT NOW. If you feel a pull inside you, that is the Holy Spirit drawing you to Him! You can talk to God right now and tell Him you want a life and eternity with Him. Here is an example of a prayer that might be on your heart:

"Dear God, I don't know everything about you just yet but I feel a pull toward You. I know something inside is making sense of this and I see now that You DO love me. Thank you for dying on the cross for ME. God, please forgive me for all of my sins, for the selfishness and pride that I wear sometimes. God I want you to be the Lord and Savior of my life. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and teach me how to love and obey You and Your Word. Thank you God for saving me! I can't wait to spend eternity with you! In Jesus' Name, Amen"

If you just said that prayer or something like it, PRAISE GOD!!! Welcome to the family! You are a precious child of God, a son or daughter to the King! The bible says, "This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!" 2 Corinthians 5:17

You are a new creation! The angels are celebrating for you!! Please comment and tell me if you just accepted Christ so I can celebrate too! Your next step now is to get your hands on a Bible and start getting to know this God that loves you more than anyone ever could. I'm not going to leave you hanging so click here to learn more about where you go from here to start living as a follower of Christ. I am so excited for you!!

If you read this and have decided to turn away from it, then I just pray and hope you will come back  before it is too late. 
 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
(Romans 6:23 ESV)

Above all else remember Jesus loves you and wants to be with you forever! God bless

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